7 Besar Tindakan Kriminal di Dunia Maya

1. Kodiak
Tahun 1994, Kodiak mengakses rekening dari beberapa pelanggan perusahaan besar pada bank utama dan mentransfer dana ke rekening yang telah disiapkan oleh kaki tangan mereka di Finlandia, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Israel dan Inggris. Dalam tahun 2005, dia dijatuhi hukuman dan dipenjara selama tiga tahun. Diperkirakan Kodiak telah mencuri sebesar 10,7 juta dollar.
2. Don Fanucci
Di usia 15 tahun, Don Fanucci melakukan suatu rangkaian serangan pada bulan Februari 2000 terhadap beberapa situs web komersil ber-traffick tinggi. Dia dihukum tahanan kota di tempat tinggalnya, Montreal, Quebec, pada 12 September 2001 selama delapan bulan dengan penjagaan terbuka, satu tahun masa percobaan, pembatasan pemakaian Internet, dan denda. Kerusakan ekonomi secara global sebagai akibat serangan-serangannya itu diyakini mencapai 7,5 juta hingga 1,2 milyar dollar.
3. Pox
Salah satu pencipta virus e-mail “Love Bug” (iloveyou), Pox, diduga telah menginfeksi dan melumpuhkan lebih dari 50 juta komputer dan jaringan pada 4 Mei 2000. Virus tersebut juga menyerang komputer-komputer milik Pentagon, CIA dan organisasi-organisasi besar lainnya dan menyebabkan kerugian berjuta-juta dolar akibat kerusakan-kerusakan. Karena Pilipina tidak mempunyai undang-undang yang melawan kejahatan hacking komputer, Fox tidak pernah didakwa atas kejahatan-kejahatannya.
4. Mishkal
Mishkal dituduh sebagai salah satu godfather pemalsu kartu kredit di Eropa Timur. Dia dan rekanan-rekanannya dituduh memproduksi secara masal kartu kredit dan debet palsu. Pada satu titik, mereka dilaporkan memiliki pendapatan hingga 100.000 dollar per hari. Dia ditangkap namun kemudian dibebaskan setelah enam bulan ditahan, dan dengan segera dicarikan kedudukan di pemerintahan Ukrainia – sebuah posisi yang akan memberikan kepadanya kekebalan otomatis dari penuntutan lebih lanjut.
5. The Wiz dan Piotrek
The Wiz, 23 tahun, dan Piotrek, 27 tahun, dari Chelyabinsk, Rusia, dihukum untuk sejumlah tuntutan perkomplotan, berbagai kejahatan komputer, dan penipuan mengikat melawan lembaga-lembaga keuangan di Seattle, Los Angeles dan Texas. Di antaranya, mereka mencuri database dari sekitar 50.000 kartu kredit. Keduanya didenda dan dihukum sedikitnya tiga tahun penjara.
6. Roper, Red_Skwyre, dan Dragov
Tiga orang ini adalah inti dari jaringan kejahatan dunia maya dengan memeras uang dari bank-bank, Kasino-kasino internet, dan berbagai bisnis berbasis web lainnya. Strategi mereka sederhana, yakni meng-hack dan menahan proses transaksi rekening untuk sebuah tebusan sebesar 40.000 dollar. Didakwa menyebabkan kerusakan langsung lebih dari 2 juta poundstarling dan kerusakan-kerusakan tidak langsung sekitar 40 juta poundstarling. Dalam bulan Oktober 2007, trio itu dinyatakan bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman delapan tahun penjara.
7. Bandit
Bandit memanipulasi kira-kira 500.000 komputer dan menyewakannya untuk aktivitas kejahatan. Dia ditangkap pada bulan November 2005 dalam sebuah operasi FBI, dan dihukum 60 bulan penjara, dan diperintahkan untuk menyerahkan sebuah mobil mewahnya seharga 58.000 dollar yang berasal dari hasil kejahatannya. Dia juga diperintahkan untuk membayar 15.000 dollar sebagai ganti rugi kepada pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk komputer-komputer militer yang terinfeksi.
In English
Crime in cyberspace (cyber crime) now ranks second only to drug crimes, whether viewed from the value of the acquired material gain, or loss and damage for the victims. Although the news has been repeatedly broadcast by the media, lack of public awareness seems to be a boon for the thieves, and this is evidenced by the fact that many people can still be stolen by simply tricks online is simple. Part of the site leads you through a maze of digital implementation of the most dangerous in the world, so be careful with your online activities. Here are 7 great criminals in cyberspace, even though their names are pseudonyms, but they are real.
1. Kodiak
In 1994, Kodiak access the accounts of several large corporate customers at major banks and transfer funds to accounts that have been prepared by their accomplices in Finland, the United States, Germany, Israel and Britain. In 2005, he was sentenced and jailed for three years. Kodiak has stolen is estimated at 10.7 million dollars.
2. Don Fanucci
At age 15, Don Fanucci perform a series of attacks in February 2000 against several commercial web sites had high traffick. He was sentenced to house arrest at his residence, Montreal, Quebec, on 12 September 2001 for eight months in open custody, one year probation, restrictions on Internet usage, and fines. Global economic damage as a result of his attacks were believed to reach 7.5 million to 1.2 billion dollars.
3. Pox
One of the creators of e-mail virus "Love Bug" (iloveyou), Pox, suspected to have infected and crippled more than 50 million computers and networks on May 4, 2000. The virus also attacks the computers owned by the Pentagon, CIA and other large organizations and causes loss of millions of dollars in damages. Because the Philippines has no laws against computer hacking crimes, Fox was never indicted for his crimes.
4. Mishkal
Mishkal accused of being one of the godfathers of credit card counterfeiters in Eastern Europe. He and partner-partner accused of mass producing fake credit and debit cards. At one point, they are reported to have incomes up to $ 100,000 per day. He was arrested but later released after six months in detention, and immediately looked for positions in the Ukrainian government - a position that would give him automatic immunity from further prosecution.
5. The Wiz and Piotrek
The Wiz, 23 years, and Piotrek, 27, of Chelyabinsk, Russia, was sentenced to a number of demands plots, various computer crimes, and fraud tie against financial institutions in Seattle, Los Angeles and Texas. Among other things, they stole a database of about 50,000 credit cards. Both were fined and sentenced to at least three years in prison.
6. Roper, Red_Skwyre, and Dragov
Three of these are the core of a network of cyber crime to extort money from banks, Internet casinos, and various other web-based business. Their strategy is simple, namely to hack and hold the process account transactions for a ransom of 40,000 dollars. Charged with causing direct damage to more than 2 million poundstarling and indirect damages of about 40 million poundstarling. In October 2007, the trio were found guilty and sentenced to eight years in prison.
7. Bandit
Bandit manipulate the approximately 500,000 computers and rented it for criminal activities. He was arrested in November 2005 in an FBI operation, and sentenced to 60 months in prison, and ordered to give up a luxury car costing 58,000 dollars from the proceeds of crime. He was also ordered to pay $ 15,000 in compensation to the United States government for military computers are infected.
1. Kodiak
In 1994, Kodiak access the accounts of several large corporate customers at major banks and transfer funds to accounts that have been prepared by their accomplices in Finland, the United States, Germany, Israel and Britain. In 2005, he was sentenced and jailed for three years. Kodiak has stolen is estimated at 10.7 million dollars.
2. Don Fanucci
At age 15, Don Fanucci perform a series of attacks in February 2000 against several commercial web sites had high traffick. He was sentenced to house arrest at his residence, Montreal, Quebec, on 12 September 2001 for eight months in open custody, one year probation, restrictions on Internet usage, and fines. Global economic damage as a result of his attacks were believed to reach 7.5 million to 1.2 billion dollars.
3. Pox
One of the creators of e-mail virus "Love Bug" (iloveyou), Pox, suspected to have infected and crippled more than 50 million computers and networks on May 4, 2000. The virus also attacks the computers owned by the Pentagon, CIA and other large organizations and causes loss of millions of dollars in damages. Because the Philippines has no laws against computer hacking crimes, Fox was never indicted for his crimes.
4. Mishkal
Mishkal accused of being one of the godfathers of credit card counterfeiters in Eastern Europe. He and partner-partner accused of mass producing fake credit and debit cards. At one point, they are reported to have incomes up to $ 100,000 per day. He was arrested but later released after six months in detention, and immediately looked for positions in the Ukrainian government - a position that would give him automatic immunity from further prosecution.
5. The Wiz and Piotrek
The Wiz, 23 years, and Piotrek, 27, of Chelyabinsk, Russia, was sentenced to a number of demands plots, various computer crimes, and fraud tie against financial institutions in Seattle, Los Angeles and Texas. Among other things, they stole a database of about 50,000 credit cards. Both were fined and sentenced to at least three years in prison.
6. Roper, Red_Skwyre, and Dragov
Three of these are the core of a network of cyber crime to extort money from banks, Internet casinos, and various other web-based business. Their strategy is simple, namely to hack and hold the process account transactions for a ransom of 40,000 dollars. Charged with causing direct damage to more than 2 million poundstarling and indirect damages of about 40 million poundstarling. In October 2007, the trio were found guilty and sentenced to eight years in prison.
7. Bandit
Bandit manipulate the approximately 500,000 computers and rented it for criminal activities. He was arrested in November 2005 in an FBI operation, and sentenced to 60 months in prison, and ordered to give up a luxury car costing 58,000 dollars from the proceeds of crime. He was also ordered to pay $ 15,000 in compensation to the United States government for military computers are infected.