“Setelah lukisan gedebog pisang itu jadi, sebagai tanda terima kasihnya, Kusni Kasdut memberikan lukisannya itu kepada Gereja Katedral, Jakarta. Beberapa hari setelah itu, Kusni Kasdut ditembak mati,” ujar pengurus Museum Katedral, Jakarta, Eduardus Suwito.
Pada masanya Kusni kasdut adalah penjahat spesialis “barang antik” salah satunya yang paling spektakuler ia merampok Museum Nasional Jakarta. Dengan menggunakan jeep dan mengenakan seragam polisi (yang tentunya palsu), dia pada tanggal 31 Mei 1961 masuk ke Museum Nasional yang dikenal juga Gedung Gajah. Setelah melukai penjaga dia membawa lari 11 permata koleksi museum tersebut.
Pernah membunuh dan merampok seorang Arab kaya raya bernama Ali Badjened pada 1960-an. Kusni Kasdut dalam aksinya ditemani oleh Bir Ali. Ali Badjened dirampok sore hari ketika baru saja keluar dari kediamannya di kawasan, Awab Alhajiri. Dia meninggal saat itu juga akibat peluru yang ditembak dari jeep yang dibawa oleh Kusni Kasdut.
Saat-saat terakhir Kusni Kasdut ini dijadikan ide untuk lagunya God Bless “Selamat Pagi Indonesia” di album “Cermin”. Lirik lagu ini ditulis oleh Theodore KS, wartawan musik Kompas yg jagoan menulis lirik lagu.
Kusni Kasdut pada saat sedang menunggu keputusan atas permohonan grasinya sempat melarikan diri kemudian dapat ditangkap kembali dan akhirnya menjalankan pidana matinya.
Kusni Kasdut sempat dijuluki “Robin Hood” Indonesia, karena ternyata hasil rampokannya sering di bagi – bagikan kepada kaum miskin.
Tangan kanan Kusni Kasdut adalah Bir Ali, anak Cikini Kecil (sekarang ini letaknya di belakang Hotel Sofyan). Bir Ali, yang juga menjadi pembunuh Ali Bajened bersama Kusni Kasdut di Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim, bernama lengkap Muhammad Ali. Dia mendapat gelar Bir Ali karena kesukaannya menenggak bir, ia tewas dalam tembak menembak dengan polisi.
Ia menjalani hukuman matinya didepan regu tembak pada 16 Februari 1980.
JARANG-jarang Mabes Polri mengeluarkan perintah paling keras dalam menangkap bajingan: hidup atau mati. Tahun 1989, Direktur Reserse Mabes Polri Koesparmono Irsan mengeluarkan perintah kepada segenap jajaran Reserse Polri di Pulau Jawa, Nusa Tenggara, dan Sumatera Bagian Selatan agar menangkap seorang buron dengan kata-kata ancaman tadi. 'Tangkap Slamet Gundul hidup atau mati.' Siapa Slamet Gundul? Lelaki berpipi tembam, hidung lebar, dan tanpa lipatan kelopak mata itu dulu pernah menjadi musuh polisi nomor satu.
Namanya berubah-ubah. Kadang Slamet Santoso, lain waktu Samsul Gunawan. Tapi julukannya yang top adalah Slamet Gundul. Dialah tersangka bos kawanan garong nasabah bank bersenjata api yang belasan kali menggegerkan berbagai kota di seantero Pulau Jawa. Polisi boleh dibilang sudah mati-matian mengejar buron itu. Tapi bukan Slamet Gundul namanya, bila tidak licin.
Ia beberapa kali lolos dari kepungan polisi. Pernah tertangkap dan diadili, tapi ia kabur dari halaman Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur, begitu vonisnya dibacakan hakim. Slamet bersama 7 kawanannya pernah dicegat oleh enam jagonya reserse Polda Ja-Teng, dari Unit Sidik Sakti, di sebuah pompa bensin di Pandansimping, Klaten, Jawa Tengah, ketika hendak beroperasi. Lewat baku tembak selama 15 menit, seorang rekan Slamet, Jarot, tewas dengan lima peluru. Sedangkan dua orang lagi, Subagio dan Sugeng, tertangkap dalam keadaan terluka. Slamet sendiri, yang sudah kena tembak di kedua bahunya, masih bisa kabur dengan sepeda motor. Polda Jawa Tengah tentu saja gemas akibat lolosnya buron itu. Sebab, dalam setahun beroperasi di Semarang, komplotan Slamet bisa menjarah duit Rp 159,5 juta. Tahun 1989 komplotan itu merampas Rp 23 juta milik pedagang tembakau asal Kendal, Rp 40 juta uang juragan ikan, dan Rp 34 juta milik Universitas Islam Sultan Agung. Nasabah BCA cabang Peterongan kena sikat Rp 28,5 juta dan karyawan PT Nyonya Meneer kena rampok Rp 34 juta.
Setelah kelompok 'Kwini', Slamet agaknya mencatat rekor perampokan dalam frekuensi kejahatan dan hasil jarahan tertinggi saat ini. Korban utamanya memang nasabah bank. 'Biasanya salah seorang dari kami datang dulu ke bank dengan sepeda motor, pura-pura jadi nasabah,' kata Subagio dan Sugeng, anggota kelompok Slamet yang tertangkap di Klaten, hampir serempak. Dengan penyamaran itu, kata kedua orang tadi, mereka bisa mengetahui nasabah yang mengambil uang dalam jumlah besar. Kalau sudah dapat sasaran, komplotan Slamet itu akan menguntit mangsanya dengan sepeda motor. Dengan kode itu, Slamet, yang biasanya menunggu bersama gangnya di atas mobil di luar halaman bank, segera tahu mangsa yang dituju. Setelah itu, barulah kelompok Slamet, yang bermobil, menyusul dan menghadang korban.
Modus ini diduga juga dilakukan komplotan Slamet ketika merampok di kawasan Kampung Bali, Jakarta Pusat. Ketika itu mobil Chevrolet dengan penumpang dua karyawan CV Bambu Gading akan menyetor uang Rp 10 juta ke bank. Kendaraan mereka tiba-tiba dipepet kendaraan perampok, sebuah minibus dan dua buah sepeda motor. Mobil korban benar-benar tak bisa bergerak setelah minibus itu tiba-tiba berhenti di tengah jalan. Pada waktu itulah perampok yang bersepeda motor mengacungkan pistol lewat jendela. Ketika komplotan itu beraksi, dua polisi, di antaranya Letnan Dua Soewito, mencoba menyergap mereka. Tembak-menembak terjadi. Dua perampok tewas, empat lainnya kabur. Tapi, di pihak polisi, Soewito roboh dengan peluru bersarang satu sentimeter di bawah mata kanannya. Sebelum 'main' di Semarang, pada 1987, reserse Jakarta memang beberapa kali menguber komplotan itu. Waktu itu rekor Slamet sudah merampok 11 kali nasabah bank. Pada Januari 1987, dua regu reserse Polda Meto Jaya mengepung rumah sewaan Slamet di bilangan Pondok Kopi, Jakarta Timur. Tapi, begitu pintu rumah diketuk polisi, yang keluar cuma istrinya. Slamet sendiri, dengan menggenggam dua pistol Colt kaliber 32 dan 38 melompati tembok dua meter yang membatasi kamar mandinya dengan dapur tetangga. Di rumah itu sudah ada dua anggota polisi yang menunggunya. Tapi polisi kalah cepat. Bagai koboi mabuk, ia menembak membabi buta. Ajaib, ia menerobos pagar puluhan petugas yang mengepungnya. Ia kabur setelah menyambar sebuah Metromini yang sedang dicuci keneknya. Toh pada awal tahun itu juga polisi berhasil menjerat belut itu. Bersama dua anggota komplotannya, Jarot dan Sahut, ia dihadapkan ke meja hijau.
Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur mengganjar ketiganya masing-masing hukuman 3 tahun. Tapi, ketika petugas menggiring ketiga terpidana itu ke mobil tahanan, mereka mendorong pengawal tersebut dan segera lari. Hanya Sahut yang bisa diamankan lagi. Tapi Slamet dan Jarot kabur dengan pengendara sepeda motor, yang anehnya telah menunggu di luar halaman pengadilan. Menurut Sugeng dan Subagio, bos mereka selama di LP Cipinang justru berhasil merekrut anggota baru dari sesama rekan tahanan di sana. 'Slamet itu orangnya pandai mengambil hati, sehingga banyak yang bersedia ikut kelompoknya,' kata mereka. Sugeng dan Subagio, yang masuk Cipinang juga karena merampok bank, mengaku ikut Slamet setelah berkenalan di Cipinang tersebut. Subagio, setelah menjalani hukuman selama 2 tahun, baru dilepas awal 1989. 'Setelah saya keluar LP, saya lalu menghubunginya,' ujarnya. Menurut mereka, meskipun Slamet yang menyusun skenario kejahatan dengan kekerasan itu, toh sebenarnya ia tak kejam. 'Ia belum pernah membunuh korban-korbannya,' kata Sugeng. Yang kejam itu, kata mereka, justru Jarot, yang mati tertembak di pompa bensin itu.

Dengan tubuhnya jangkung dengan kulitnya yang bersih. Tutur katanya halus. Mungkin orang akan mengira dia hanyalah seorang lelaki biasa saja. Seorang ayah yang baik, yang mengajari PR bagi anak-anaknya, atau suami yang menyayangi istrinya. Apalagi di masa mudanya di juga tampan. Dan dia indo, lahir di Garut Garut, 06 November 1948. Tapi siapa sangka dia adalah pimpinan kawanan perampok yang sangat disegani. Yohanes Hubertus Eijkenboom atau Johnny Indo.
Johny Indo dan 12 anak buahnya yang ia beri nama “pachinko” alias pasukan china kota sangat disegani sebagai perampok yang malang melintang di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Johnny Indo adalah spesialis perampok toko emas dan selalu melakukan aksi pada siang hari. Mereka yang merampok toko emas di Cikini, Jakarta Pusat, pada 1979. Perampokan ini menjadi berita yang menggemparkan karena gerombolan membawa lima pistol, satu buah granat, dan puluhan butir peluru. Johnny mengaku mendapatkan senjata api dari sisa-sisa pemberontakan RMS, PRRI atau DI TII.
Sesungguhnya Johnny Indo berasal dari keluarga miskin. Sejak kecil dia suka membaca buku termasuk petualangan Sunan Kalijaga yang sebelum menjadi wali merupakan perampok, namun perampok untuk kebaikan semua dengan membagikan hasil rampokan kepada orang miskin. Atau tentang Si Pitung seorang perampok budiman dari Jakarta. Robbin Hood yang berkiprah di desa kecil bernama Nottingham, Inggris.
Berkali-kali pula Johny Indo mengulangi perbuatannya dan hasil jarahannya dia bagi-bagikan kepada masyarakat miskin. Namun sepandai-pandai tupai melompat sekali gagal juga. Pepatah itu nampaknya berlaku juga buat Johny Indo dan kelompoknya. Karena kekuranghati-hatian salah seorang anggota kelompoknya yang menjual emas, hasil barang jarahan sembarangan, satu demi satu anak buah Johny Indo dibekuk petugas. Johny Indo akhirnya tertangkap di Gua Kiansiantang, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Dia diganjar 14 tahun penjara dan dijebloskan ke Nusakambangan.
Ternyata mendekam di Nusakambangan tidak membuat petualangan Johny Indo berakhir. Bersama 14 tahanan lainnya, Johny Indo membuat geger karena kabur dari sel. Hampir semua aparat keamanan waktu itu dikerahkan untuk menangkap Johny Indo dan kelompoknya. Namun setelah bertahan hingga dua belas hari, Johny Indo pun menyerah. Dia menyerah karena sudah berhari-hari tidak makan. Selain itu 11 tahanan yang melarikan diri bersamanya tewas diberondong peluru petugas. Kisah pelarian Johny Indo yang legendaries itu bahkan sempat diangkat ke layar film dengan Johny Indo sebagai bintangnya sendiri.

Filem Jony Indo
Johnny Indo yang dalam karirnya merampok pantang melukai korbannya selama di penjara itu banyak waktu luang, dari sana mulai berfikir tentang jati diri, akhirnya selama dipenjara banyak belajar agama Islam karena sebelumnya beragama nasrani.
Kini Johny Indo tinggal di daerah Sukabumi, Jawa Barat bersama istrinya, Vinny Soraya dan kedua putra-putrinya. Ia telah berubah. Ia menjalani kehidupan barunya sebagai seorang juru dakwah. Di saat senggang ia menghabiskan waktu dengan membenahi rumahnya yang sederhana sambil menunggu panggilan dakwah.
English Version"3 Legendary Criminals Indonesia"In the era of 70 to 80's, their names are so feared, respected, well in hate by society. 3 names have been enough to make the police work hard to hunt them.Here is a profile and a piece of their story, cekibrottKusni KASDUT
Who is not familiar with this character in the era of 70's, one of the Legendary Criminal, was captured and the death penalty for his deeds. But at the moment - the end of his life he repented and "brave" face of the punishment.In isolation in prison and away from people who loved, turned out to religious side Kusni Kasdut grow deeper. Especially when he was in prison and executed before, he had become acquainted with a Catholic religious leaders.Once acquainted with the religious leaders, he finally decided to become loyal followers. Kusni Kasdut baptized as a Catholic by the name of Ignatius Kusni Kasdut.While waiting for the day of execution, he poured his love of the religion he had embraced in a painting made of banana tree gedebog. In these paintings, illustrated with detailed Cathedral Church complete with towers and the unique architecture of the building. And until now are kept in the church was Katederal Jakarta Museum.
Painting Kusni Kasdut"After painting gedebog banana so, as a sign of gratitude, Kusni Kasdut gave his paintings to the Cathedral Church, Jakarta. A few days after that, Kusni Kasdut shot dead, "said board Cathedral Museum, Jakarta, Eduardus Suwito.In his time Kusni kasdut is a specialist criminal "antique" one of the most spectacular he robbed the National Museum Jakarta. By using a jeep and wearing a police uniform (which is certainly false), he was on May 31, 1961 into the National Museum also known as the Elephant House. After wounding the guard he was carried off the museum's collection of 11 jewel.Ever kill and rob a wealthy Arab named Ali Badjened in the 1960s. Kusni Kasdut in action accompanied by the Bir Ali. Ali Badjened robbed the afternoon when just out of his residence in the region, Awab Alhajiri. He died on the spot due to a bullet shot from a jeep which carried by Kusni Kasdut.Last moments of this Kasdut Kusni used the idea for his song God Bless "Good Morning Indonesia" on the album "Mirror". This song was written by Theodore KS, Compass music journalist who writes songs whiz.Kusni Kasdut while awaiting a decision on the request for clemency had time to escape and then be arrested again and finally run the death penalty.Kusni Kasdut had dubbed "Robin Hood" Indonesia, because it often results rampokannya share - share with the poor.The right hand is Kusni Kasdut Bir Ali, son Cikini Minor (now located behind the Hotel Sofyan). Bir Ali, who is also a killer Ali Bajened together Kusni Kasdut at Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim, whose full name is Muhammad Ali. He received his Bir Ali as his favorite beer, he was killed in a shootout with police.She received the death penalty in front of a firing squad on February 16, 1980.SLAMET GUNDUL
RARELY, rarely Police Headquarters issued an order loudest in capturing rogue: dead or alive. 1989, Investigation Director Koesparmono Irsan Police Headquarters issued a directive to all ranks of the Police Investigation in Java, Nusa Tenggara and South Sumatra in order to arrest a fugitive with words threats. 'Catch Slamet Halak live or die. " Who Slamet Bald? Chubby-cheeked boy, wide nose, and with no folds of the eyelid that was once the number one enemy of the police.His name is changing. Slamet Santoso sometimes, other times Samsul Gunawan. But his nickname the top is Slamet Bald. He is alleged boss of bank customers flock robber armed with a dozen times a stir in various cities across the island of Java. Police arguably been desperately pursuing the fugitive. But not Slamet Halak name, if not slippery.He several times escaped from the police encirclement. Ever caught and prosecuted, but he escaped from the pages of East Jakarta District Court, as the judge read the verdict. Slamet with 7 flock ever intercepted by six masters Ja-Teng Police detectives, from the Fingerprint Unit galaxy, at a gas station in Pandansimping, Klaten, Central Java, when they wanted to operate. Through the shootout for 15 minutes, a fellow Slamet, Jarot, was killed with five bullets. Meanwhile two more people, Subagio and Sugeng, caught in a state hurt. Slamet himself, who was shot in both shoulders, can still escape by motorbike. Police Central Java of course it's annoyance due to the escape of fugitives. Because, in a year in operation in Semarang, Slamet plotters could Rp 159.5 million looted money. In 1989 the gang robbed Rp 23 million owned by tobacco merchants from Kendal, Rp 40 million money skipper fish, and Rp 34 million belong to the Islamic University of Sultan Agung. Customer BCA branch taxable Peterongan brush USD 28.5 million and employees of PT Nyonya Meneer got robbed Rp 34 million.After the groups 'Kwini', Slamet presumably record the frequency of crime and robbery in the current highest booty. The main victims are bank customers. 'Usually one of us come first to the bank on a motorcycle, pretending to be customers,' said Subagio and Sugeng, Slamet group member who was caught in Klaten, almost in unison. With impersonation, said two people had, they could find customers who take large amounts of money. If it can be targeted, it will Slamet gang stalking its prey on a motorcycle. With that code, Slamet, who usually wait with gang on a car outside a bank page, immediately knew the intended prey. After that, then the group Slamet, who drove, catching up and confront the victim.This mode is also suspected to be gang Slamet when raiding in the area of Kampung Bali, Central Jakarta. When the passenger was a Chevrolet with two employees Bamboo Ivory CV will deposit USD 10 million to the bank. Their vehicles suddenly dipepet robbers vehicle, a minivan and two motorcycles. The victim's car really could not move after the van suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. At that time the robbers on motorcycles brandishing a pistol through the window. When the gang in action, two policemen, among them Lieutenant Soewito, tried to ambush them. The shooting occurred. Two robbers were killed, four others escaped. But, on the part of police, Soewito collapsed with a bullet lodged an inch under his right eye. Prior to 'play' in Semarang, in 1987, Jakarta's detectives chase a few times the plot. Slamet's record time was robbed 11 times the bank's customers. In January 1987, two teams of detectives Meto Jaya Police surrounded a rented house in the numbers Slamet Pondok Kopi, East Jakarta. But, once the police knock at the door of the house, which came out just a wife. Slamet own, with a gripping two Colt .32 caliber pistol and 38 two-meter jump over a wall that limits his bathroom with a neighbor's kitchen. In the house there were two policemen waiting for him. But police quickly lost. Like a drunken cowboy, he shot blindly. Miraculously, he broke through the fence dozens of officers who surrounded her. He fled after grabbing a Metromini being washed keneknya. Yet at the beginning of that year the police managed to ensnare eel. Together with two members of his gang, Jarot and replied, he was brought to court.East Jakarta District Court judges reward the three each sentenced to 3 years. But when officers drove into the car the three were convicted prisoners, they pushed the guard and ran. Replied only that can be secured again. But Slamet and Jarot blurred by a motorcyclist, who oddly enough had been waiting outside the court yard. According Sugeng and Subagio, their boss during the LP Cipinang just managed to recruit new members from fellow prisoners there. 'Slamet that people are good at taking care, so many are willing to join his group,' they said. Sugeng and Subagio, who entered Cipinang as well as robbing a bank, claimed to participate in Cipinang Slamet after meeting them. Subagio, after serving for 2 years, then released early 1989. 'After I came out the LP, then I call her,' he said. According to them, although Slamet scenarios that violent crime, yet in fact he was not cruel. 'He had never killed his victims, "Sugeng said. Cruel, they said, precisely Jarot, who was shot dead at gas station.JOHNY INDO
With her tall with a clean skin. Smooth-spoken. Maybe people would think she was just an ordinary man. A good father, who taught public relations for their children, or husband who loved his wife. Moreover, in his youth in too handsome. And he indo, was born in Garut Garut, November 6, 1948. But who would have thought he was the leader of robbers are highly respected. Johannes Hubertus Eijkenboom or Johnny Indo.Johny Indo and 12 of his men that he named "pachinko" alias city china troops highly respected as a robber poor across Jakarta and surrounding areas. Indo Johnny is a specialist shop robber of gold and always take action during the day. They are robbing a gold shop in Cikini, Central Jakarta, in 1979. Robbery is the news that shocked the mob carrying five pistols, one grenade, and dozens of bullets. Johnny admitted obtaining weapons fire from the remnants of rebellion RMS, PRRI or DI TII.Truly Johnny Indo come from poor families. Since childhood she likes to read adventure books including Sunan Kalijaga that before a guardian is a robber, but the robbers for the good of all by sharing the booty to the poor. Or about a robber Pitung The Virtuous from Jakarta. Robbin Hood who work in the small village called Nottingham, England.Many times also Johny Indo repeat his actions and the loot he was distributing to the poor. But as smart-smart squirrel jump once failed as well. Adage that seems to apply also for Indo Johnny and his group. Because kekuranghati attention of one group member who sold the gold, the spoils at random, one after the other men arrested Johny Indo officer. Johny Indo finally caught in the Cave Kiansiantang, Sukabumi, West Java. He was given 14 years in prison and thrown into Nusakambangan.Apparently languishing in Nusakambangan not make Johny Indo adventure ends. Together with 14 other prisoners, Johny Indo makes tantrum because of escape from the cell. Almost all the security forces were deployed to capture the Indo Johnny and his group. But after last up to twelve days, Johny Indo gave it up. He gave up because it had not eaten for days. Besides the 11 detainees who escaped with bullet barrages killed the officer. The story of the legendary escape Johny Indo was even appointed to screen the movie with Johny Indo as his own star.
Jony Indo MoviesJohnny is in his career robbing Indo abstinence injure his victim while in prison was a lot of free time, from there start thinking about identity, end up in jail for a lot of studying religion because religion has left earlier.Johny Indo now live in Sukabumi, West Java with his wife, Soraya and Vinny both her son and daughter. He has changed. He underwent his new life as a missionary interpreter. In his spare time he spends time with his simple fix while waiting for the call propaganda. sumber : http://ujung-bumi.blogspot.com/2010/08/inilah-3-penjahat-legendaris-dari.html