
Kumpulan Kata-kata Bijak " Collection Wise The words "
mudah2an bisa menjadikan pembaca bertambah semangat.. :-)
Bertutur dengan kata yang baik, berpikirlah dengan
niat yang baik dan melakukan perbuatan baik.
Memaafkan orang lain berarti berlaku baik pada diri
Kesuksesan adalah pengoptimalan suatu kelebihan,
kegagalan adalah akumulasi dari segala kekurangan.
Jangan menganggap remeh diri sendiri, karena setiap
orang memiliki kemungkinan yang tak terhingga.
Ilmu pengetahuan harus dipahami dengan
sungguh-sungguh, baru bisa menjadi kebijaksanaan dalam
diri sendiri.
Kasih sayang tidak dapat dengan memohon pada orang
lain, melainkan diperoleh dari sumbangsih yang
Musuh terbesar kita bukanlah orang lain, melainkan
diri kita sendiri.
Hendaknya bersaing untuk menjadi siapa yang lebih
dicintai, bukan siapa yang lebih ditakuti.
Menyia-nyiakan waktu setiap hari adalah pemborosan
hidup, bekerja penuh semangat dan menjadi orang yang
berguna adalah membangun kehidupan kita sendiri.
Orang yang selalu mencari-cari alasan bagi
kegagalannya, tidak akan memperoleh kemajuan untuk
Rumput tidak akan mudah tumbuh dilahan yang
ditanami sayur-sayuran. Hati tidak mudah timbul
kebencian bila dipenuhi rasa persahabatan.
Berapa banyak kewajiban yang telah anda penuhi,
sebanyak itu pula kemampuan yang akan diperoleh.
Kegembiraan seseorang tidak didasarkan dari berapa
banyak yang dimilikinya, namun karena sedikit sekali
berhitungan dengan orang lain.
Sebelum mengkritik orang lain, pikirkan dahulu
apakah kita sendiri telah sempurna dan bebas dari
Kesuksesan yang paling besar dalam hidup adalah
bisa bangkit kembali dari kegagalan.
Ucapan yang baik, bagai bunga teratai yang keluar
dari mulut; Ucapan yang buruk, seperti bisa ular yang
disemburkan dari mulut.
kehidupan: berbakti pada orang tua dan melakukan
Moralitas adalah sebuah pelita dalam peningkatan
kepribadian, tidak seharusnya merupakan cambuk
penghukum bagi orang lain.
Menghargai dan merasa senang atas keberhasilan
orang lain berarti meningkatkan harkat diri sendiri.
Selalu berbaik hati selalu memperoleh hari-hari
yang baik.
Memberi maaf dan berbicara dengan ramah meskipun
kita berada dipihak yang benar.
Menerima kebajikan sekecil apapun harus dibalas
Hendaknya kita menyadari, mensyukuri, dan membalas
budi orang tua.
Tetesan air dapat membentuk sebuah sungai,
kumpulan butiran beras bisa memenuhi lumbung. Jangan
meremehkan hati nurani sendiri, jangan pernah berpikir
untuk tidak melakukannya walau perbuatan itu sangat
Sedikit berbicara lebih baik daripada banyak
bebicara, akan lebih baik lagi jika hanya membicarakan
hal yang baik-baik saja.
Orang yang bijaksana baru mampu membedakan yang
baik dan yang buruk, yang benar dan yang sesat; Orang
yang rendah hati baru bisa membangun kehidupan yang
indah sempurna.
Di dalam kehidupan, kita tidak selalu berada dalam
kondisi yang baik-baik saja, namun bagi yang pernah
mengalami cobaan dan berhasil mengatasinya, akan
sangat mudah menghadapi kondisi yang sesulit apapun.
Permasalah sukar dan sulit diputuskan dalam hidup
adalah suatu cobaan.
Kasih sayang yang sesungguhnya adalah menjaga
kondisi hati kita dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Mampu bertoleransi dan lebih mengasihi orang lain,
kita akan hidup dengan sangat gembira.
Mampu menyumbangkan cinta kasih adalah suatu
keberkahan. Mampu menghapus kerisauan adalah sifat
yang bijaksana.
Anggaplah segala permasalahan sebagai pelajaran
dan pujian sebagai peringatan untuk mawas diri.
Memperbaiki prilaku sendiri adalah untuk menolong
diri sendiri, mampu mempengaruhi orang untuk berbuat
baik adalah untuk menolong orang.
Yang mencelakai diri sendiri tidak lain adalah
kemarahan yang tidak pada tempatnya.
Orang yang dapat memanfaatkan waktunya dengan
baik, pasti bisa menguasai arah tujuan yang ingin
Lakukanlah menurut kemampuan yang ada, jangan
berniat untuk menunda, ada kemungkinan anda tidak
mendapatkan apa apa.
Yang terindah di langit adalah bintang-bintang
bergemerlapan, sedangkan yang terindah dalam hidup
adalah kehangatan kasih sayang.
Orang yang berbudi sifatnya bagaikan air yang
dapat menyesuaikan diri dalam berbagai bejana, hidup
dalam kondisi bebas leluasa.
Padi yang berisi akan semakin merunduk; Seseorang
yang sukses semakin rendah hati.
Berhenti di tengah perjalanan akan lebih sulit dan
terasa lebih melelahkan daripada terus berjalan hingga
sampai ke tujuan.
Di kala memiliki, harus selalu mengenang
penderitaan di saat tak punya; dalam cuaca baik harus
mempersiapkan persediaan di musim hujan.
Alam semesta ada batasnya, kekuatan tekad kita ak
terhingga. Mudah mengikrarkan sebuah tekad, tapi sulit
Perbuatan baik hendaknya bisa dioptimalkan,
permasalahan harus ditinggalkan. Mensukseskan orang
lain berarti mensukseskan diri sendiri.
Lebih baik bekerja keras dan benar-benar
melakukannya daripada berkemampuan tapi tidak
melakukannya sama sekali.
Orang harus menyayangi diri sendiri baru dapat
mencintai semua orang di dunia.
Dalam mengatasi berbagai masalah hendaknya
berhati-hati, cermat, namun jangan berpikiran sempit.
Jangan merasa khawatir pada banyaknya masalah,
yang dikhawatirkan adalah masalah yang dicari-cari.
Ikrar harus luhur, tekad harus kokoh, kepribadian
harus lemah lembut, dan hati harus cermat.
Berikrar dalam hati dan tidak pernah menyatakan
dalam tindakan, sama halnya seperti bertani tanpa
menebar bibit, hanya menyia-nyiakan sebuah jalinan
Orang berbudi berketetapan hati menggapai
cita-citanya, orang yang picik hanya memiliki
cita-cita dan tidak pernah berusaha.
English Version
Recalled with a kind word, think
good intentions and good deeds.
Forgiving others means that it may be self-
Success is the optimization of a surplus,
failure is the accumulation of any shortcomings.
Do not underestimate yourself, because every
people have the possibility of infinite.
Science should be understood by
seriously, can only be wisdom in
Compassion can not ask the people
another, but rather obtained from the contribution which
Our greatest enemy is not other people, but
Should compete to be who is more
loved, not who is more feared.
To waste time each day is a waste
live, work and be passionate person
useful is to build our own lives.
People who always make excuses for
failure, will not make progress to
Grass will not grow easily dilahan which
planted vegetables. Heart is not easily arise
hatred when filled with friendship.
How much liabilities that you have met,
much the same capabilities that will be obtained.
Joy is not based on how someone
many it has, but because very few
berhitungan with others.
Before criticizing others, think first
whether we ourselves have been perfect and free from
The greatest success in life is
can bounce back from failure.
Speech is good, like a lotus flower that comes out
from the mouth; Speech bad, like snake venom which
ejected from the mouth.
There are two things that can not be postponed in
life: devoted parents and do
Morality is a lamp in an increase
personality, should not be a whip
punishment for others.
Appreciate and feel happy for the success
others means to increase self dignity.
Always be kind enough to always get these days
Forgiveness and talk with friendly though
we are the part that is true.
Receive slightest virtue must be rewarded
We should recognize, appreciate, and respond
cultivated parents.
Water droplets can form a river,
collection of grains of rice to meet the barn. Do not
underestimate their own conscience, do not ever think
not to do so even though the act is very
Few speak better than many
spoke, it would be better if only discuss
things are fine.
A wise person is able to distinguish the new
good and bad, right and perverse; People
a new humility could build a life
perfectly beautiful.
In life, we are not always in
conditions are fine, but for ever
some trial and successfully overcome, will
very easy to deal with any difficult conditions.
Difficult problems and difficult decision in life
is an ordeal.
Real love is to keep
condition of our hearts with his best.
Able to tolerate and more love others,
we will live with great joy.
Able to contribute love is taking a
blessing. Being able to remove the concerns is the nature
Think of all the problems as a lesson
and praise as a warning to introspective.
Improving own behavior is to help
self, capable of influencing people to do
well is to help people.
Who harm themselves is none other than
anger is misplaced.
People who can utilize his time with
well, would have mastered the goals you want
Do it according to the capabilities that exist, do not
intend to delay, there is a possibility you do not
get what's what.
The most beautiful in the sky are stars
sparkle, while the most beautiful in life
is the warmth of affection.
The righteous are like water
can adjust themselves in a variety of vessel, life
freely in the free state.
Rice that contains the more crouched; Someone
Successful more humble.
Stop in the middle of the trip will be more difficult and
feels more exhausting than continue to run until
to the destination.
At times has, must always remember
suffering at the moment do not have, in good weather should
preparing supplies in the rainy season.
The universe is finite, the strength of our determination ak
infinity. Easy to pledge a commitment, but difficult
implement them.
Good deeds should be optimized,
problems should be abandoned. People succeed
Another means to succeed himself.
Better to work hard and really
do than capable but not
do it at all.
People have to love yourself to new
love all the people in the world.
In addressing the various issues should
cautious, careful, but do not be narrow-minded.
Do not feel worried at the number of problems,
the fear is the problem sought.
Pledge must be noble, determination must be sturdy, personality
should be meek, and the heart must be careful.
Vowed to myself and never expressed
in action, as well as the farm without
sowing seeds, just a waste of a braided
People righteous resolve to reach
his ideals, petty people who have only
the ideals and never tried.
RAIHLAH TITIK JENUH KARNA SENANG ... :-) Bukan Jenuh karna Sengsara.. wwkwkw
English Version
Recalled with a kind word, think
good intentions and good deeds.
Forgiving others means that it may be self-
Success is the optimization of a surplus,
failure is the accumulation of any shortcomings.
Do not underestimate yourself, because every
people have the possibility of infinite.
Science should be understood by
seriously, can only be wisdom in
Compassion can not ask the people
another, but rather obtained from the contribution which
Our greatest enemy is not other people, but
Should compete to be who is more
loved, not who is more feared.
To waste time each day is a waste
live, work and be passionate person
useful is to build our own lives.
People who always make excuses for
failure, will not make progress to
Grass will not grow easily dilahan which
planted vegetables. Heart is not easily arise
hatred when filled with friendship.
How much liabilities that you have met,
much the same capabilities that will be obtained.
Joy is not based on how someone
many it has, but because very few
berhitungan with others.
Before criticizing others, think first
whether we ourselves have been perfect and free from
The greatest success in life is
can bounce back from failure.
Speech is good, like a lotus flower that comes out
from the mouth; Speech bad, like snake venom which
ejected from the mouth.
There are two things that can not be postponed in
life: devoted parents and do
Morality is a lamp in an increase
personality, should not be a whip
punishment for others.
Appreciate and feel happy for the success
others means to increase self dignity.
Always be kind enough to always get these days
Forgiveness and talk with friendly though
we are the part that is true.
Receive slightest virtue must be rewarded
We should recognize, appreciate, and respond
cultivated parents.
Water droplets can form a river,
collection of grains of rice to meet the barn. Do not
underestimate their own conscience, do not ever think
not to do so even though the act is very
Few speak better than many
spoke, it would be better if only discuss
things are fine.
A wise person is able to distinguish the new
good and bad, right and perverse; People
a new humility could build a life
perfectly beautiful.
In life, we are not always in
conditions are fine, but for ever
some trial and successfully overcome, will
very easy to deal with any difficult conditions.
Difficult problems and difficult decision in life
is an ordeal.
Real love is to keep
condition of our hearts with his best.
Able to tolerate and more love others,
we will live with great joy.
Able to contribute love is taking a
blessing. Being able to remove the concerns is the nature
Think of all the problems as a lesson
and praise as a warning to introspective.
Improving own behavior is to help
self, capable of influencing people to do
well is to help people.
Who harm themselves is none other than
anger is misplaced.
People who can utilize his time with
well, would have mastered the goals you want
Do it according to the capabilities that exist, do not
intend to delay, there is a possibility you do not
get what's what.
The most beautiful in the sky are stars
sparkle, while the most beautiful in life
is the warmth of affection.
The righteous are like water
can adjust themselves in a variety of vessel, life
freely in the free state.
Rice that contains the more crouched; Someone
Successful more humble.
Stop in the middle of the trip will be more difficult and
feels more exhausting than continue to run until
to the destination.
At times has, must always remember
suffering at the moment do not have, in good weather should
preparing supplies in the rainy season.
The universe is finite, the strength of our determination ak
infinity. Easy to pledge a commitment, but difficult
implement them.
Good deeds should be optimized,
problems should be abandoned. People succeed
Another means to succeed himself.
Better to work hard and really
do than capable but not
do it at all.
People have to love yourself to new
love all the people in the world.
In addressing the various issues should
cautious, careful, but do not be narrow-minded.
Do not feel worried at the number of problems,
the fear is the problem sought.
Pledge must be noble, determination must be sturdy, personality
should be meek, and the heart must be careful.
Vowed to myself and never expressed
in action, as well as the farm without
sowing seeds, just a waste of a braided
People righteous resolve to reach
his ideals, petty people who have only
the ideals and never tried.
RAIHLAH TITIK JENUH KARNA SENANG ... :-) Bukan Jenuh karna Sengsara.. wwkwkw
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