
15 Ciri atau Tanda Orang Hamil
" 15 Characteristics or sign Pregnant People "
BANYAK perempuan yang merasa bingung apakah dirinya sudah hamil atau belum setelah sepekan atau dua pekan melakukan hubungan intim dengan pasangan. Apakah Anda termasuk di antaranya?" 15 Characteristics or sign Pregnant People "
Berikut adalah 15 tanda-tanda kehamilan pada diri Anda:
1. Payudara terasa sakit atau nyeri
Menggunakan bra setelah bangun pagi akan menjadikan derita tersendiri. Payudara juga akan terasa sakit dan nyeri saat dipegang. Payudara akan membesar, hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya produksi hormon esterogen dan progesteron. Dalam hal ini, disarankan wanita hamil menggunakan bra yang nyaman atau berukuran lebih besar pada saat tidur yang dimaksudkan untuk memberi kenyamanan bergerak.
2. Rasa lelah yang berlebih
Rasa lelah yang berlebih akan membuat Anda cepat tertidur. Hal ini disebabkan dari perubahan hormon dan juga akibat dari kinerja organ-organ vital untuk membantu perkembangan dan pertumbuhan janin. Biasanya rasa lelah ini hanya pada trimester pertama dan akan hilang saat memasuki trimester kedua.
3. Mual
Ini merupakan tanda-tanda yang paling dikenal oleh para wanita hamil. Pemicunya adalah adanya peningkatan hormon secara tiba-tiba pada aliran darah. Gejala mual ini biasanya terjadi selama enam minggu saat anda dinyatakan hamil. Biasanya mual akan datang pada pagi, siang dan malam hari. Rasa mual ini biasanya akan menghilang memasuki kehamilan trimester kedua. Jika, rasa mual dan muntah masih terjadi pada usia kehamilan trimester kedua, sebaiknya periksakan dan konsultasi mengenai hal ini ke dokter Anda, karena akan mengganggu kehamilan.
4. Sering buang air kecil
Jika Anda tidak bisa tidur akibat seringnya bolak balik ke kamar mandi untuk buang air kecil, mungkin ini adalah tanda anda sudah hamil. Selama kehamilan, tubuh Anda memproduksi cairan tambahan untuk janin anda. Walaupun buang air kecil ini sering, jangan sampai membatasinya atau menahannya. Selain itu hindarkan dehidrasi dengan lebih meningkatkan asupan cairan ke dalam tubuh.
5. Sakit kepala
Memang terdengar aneh, karena sakit kepala sering dialami juga oleh orang yang tidak hamil. Namun akibat dari banyaknya perubahan hormon di dalam tubuh, sehingga disertai juga dengan perubahan hormon yang ada di kepala. Jika Anda terbukti hamil dan mengalami sakit kepala, gunakan pg-safe acetaminophen dibandingkan dengan ibuprofen.
6. Sakit punggung
Sakit punggung yang dirasakan saat hamil dikarenakan beberapa ligamen di punggung Anda sudah tidak ada. Sakit ini akan terus berasa saat berat badan anda bertambah dan selama masa kehamilan.
7. Kram
Apakah ini PMS atau hamil. Memang kram akan dialami oleh wanita hamil karena rahim yang akan membesar dan merenggang untuk menyiapkan tempat bagi bayi Anda.
8. Ngidam
Sudah tidak asing lagi mendengar kata ini saat ada seseorang yang sedang hamil. Mau ini, mau itu lalu tiba-tiba Anda ingin makan buah-buahan yang rasanya asam, padahal sebelumnya sangat benci terhadap buah yang rasanya asam. Jika Anda menjadi pemerhati masalah makanan, mungkin ini adalah tanda-tanda sedang hamil.
9. Sembelit
Sembelit ini terjadi akibat peningkatan hormon progesterone. Hormon ini selain mengendurkan otot-otot rahim, juga berdampak pada mengendurnya otot dinding usus sehingga menyebabkan sembelit atau susah buang air besar. Namun keuntungan dari keadaan ini adalah memungkinkan peyerapan nutrisi yang lebih baik saat hamil.
10. Moody
Sering marah-marah pada suami, cepat mengalami perubahan pada tingkah laku. Hal ini disebabkan dari banyak munculnya hormon-hormon baru di tubuh Anda. Yakinkan pada suami Anda bahwa ini hanya terjadi selama masa kehamilan.
11. Peningkatan temperatur tubuh
Jika terjadi kehamilan atau ovulasi, maka suhu tubuh ibu akan meningkat. Kondisi ini akan bertahan selama terjadinya kehamilan. Kondisi ini tidak akan turun ke kondisi sebelum terjadinya ovulasi.
12. Bau Badan
Mungkin tanda ini jarang ditemui pada wanita hamil. Namun jika memang muncul bau badan, maka adanya peningkatan hormon yang berlebih sehingga menyebabkan kelenjar keringat meningkat.
13. Pusing atau pingsan
Mungkin Anda sering menonton adegan wanita hamil yang pingsan. Namun faktanya ini dapat terjadi karena kadar jumlah gula di tubuh yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, pastikan anda cukup makan dan tentunya banyak minum supaya tidak kekurangan cairan tubuh.
14. Munculnya bercak darah
Bercak darah ini muncul sebelum menstruasi yang akan datang, biasanya terjadi antara 8-10 hari setelah terjadinya ovulasi. Bercak darah ini disebabkan oleh implantasi atau menempelnya embrio.
15. Hasil positif pada tes kehamilan
Anda tidak akan tahu pasti apakah anda menjadi seorang ibu sampai anda melakukan tes kehamilan. Jika Anda mendapatkan hasil negatif dan masih belum mendapatkan haid, mungkin itu hanya saja anda terlalu dini untuk melakukan tes kehamilan. Tunggu beberapa hari dan coba lagi Dan jika itu positif – selamat anda akan menjadi seorang ibu!
In English
"15 Characteristics or sign Pregnant People"
MANY women who feel confused about whether she was pregnant or not after a week or two weeks to have intercourse with a partner. Are you among them?
Here are 15 signs of pregnancy on yourself:
1. Breast pain or tenderness
Using the bra after waking in the morning will make its own pain. Breasts are also going to hurt and pain when held. Breasts will enlarge, this is caused by increased production of hormones estrogen and progesterone. In this case, advised pregnant women to use a comfortable bra or larger during sleep that is intended to give comfort to move.
2. Excessive fatigue
Excessive fatigue will make you fast asleep. This is due to the hormonal changes and also as a result of the performance of the vital organs to assist the development and fetal growth. Usually, fatigue is only in the first trimester and will be lost during the second trimester.
3. Nausea
This is a sign of the best known by pregnant women. The trigger is an increase in sudden hormone in the bloodstream. Symptoms of nausea usually occurs during the six weeks pregnant when you otherwise. Usually the nausea would come in the morning, afternoon and evening. Nausea usually disappears into the second trimester of pregnancy. If, nausea and vomiting still occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, you should consult and consultation on this matter to your doctor, because it will interfere with pregnancy.
4. Frequent urination
If you can not sleep due to frequent trips to the bathroom to urinate, maybe this is a sign you are pregnant. During pregnancy, your body produces extra fluids to your baby. Although urination is frequent, not to restrict or restrain him. Also avoid further dehydration by increasing fluid intake into the body.
5. Headache
It sounds strange, because headaches are often experienced by those who are not pregnant. But the result of many changes in hormones in the body, so that coupled with hormonal changes that exist in the head. If you are pregnant and have proved a headache, use the pg-safe acetaminophen compared with ibuprofen.
6. Backache
Back pain is felt during pregnancy because of some ligaments in your back are gone. This will continue to feel pain when you gain weight and during pregnancy.
7. Cramps
Is this an STD or pregnant. It would cramps experienced by pregnant women because the uterus to be enlarged and stretched to prepare a place for your baby.
8. Cravings
Is no stranger to hear this word when someone is pregnant. Want it, want it and then suddenly you want to eat fruits that are sour taste, whereas previously hated to fruit that tastes sour. If you become observers of the food problem, maybe this is a sign of being pregnant.
9. Constipation
Constipation is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone besides relaxing the muscles of the uterus, also resulted in the loosening of the muscular wall of the intestine causing constipation or difficult bowel movements. But the advantage of this situation is to allow better absorption of nutrients during pregnancy.
10. Moody
Often angry at her husband, rapid changes in behavior. This is due to the emergence of many new hormones in your body. Reassure your husband that this only occurs during pregnancy.
11. Increased body temperature
If pregnancy or ovulation, then the mother's body temperature will rise. This condition will persist during pregnancy. This condition will not go down to the condition prior to ovulation.
12. Body Odor
Perhaps this sign is rarely encountered in pregnant women. But if it appeared the body odor, then an increase in hormone excess resulting in increased sweat gland.
13. Dizziness or fainting
Maybe you watch a lot of scenes pregnant woman who fainted. But in fact this can happen because the levels of sugar in the body are low. Therefore, make sure you have enough to eat and of course drink plenty of fluids to avoid shortages.
14. The emergence of spotting
Blood spots appear before the menstrual period to come, it usually occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation. Blood spots are caused by the implantation or attachment of the embryo.
15. Positive results on pregnancy tests
You will not know for sure whether you become a mother until you do a pregnancy test. If you get a negative result and still not get your period, maybe it's just that you are too early to do a pregnancy test. Wait a few days and try again And if that's a positive â € "congratulations you will become a mother!
"15 Characteristics or sign Pregnant People"
MANY women who feel confused about whether she was pregnant or not after a week or two weeks to have intercourse with a partner. Are you among them?
Here are 15 signs of pregnancy on yourself:
1. Breast pain or tenderness
Using the bra after waking in the morning will make its own pain. Breasts are also going to hurt and pain when held. Breasts will enlarge, this is caused by increased production of hormones estrogen and progesterone. In this case, advised pregnant women to use a comfortable bra or larger during sleep that is intended to give comfort to move.
2. Excessive fatigue
Excessive fatigue will make you fast asleep. This is due to the hormonal changes and also as a result of the performance of the vital organs to assist the development and fetal growth. Usually, fatigue is only in the first trimester and will be lost during the second trimester.
3. Nausea
This is a sign of the best known by pregnant women. The trigger is an increase in sudden hormone in the bloodstream. Symptoms of nausea usually occurs during the six weeks pregnant when you otherwise. Usually the nausea would come in the morning, afternoon and evening. Nausea usually disappears into the second trimester of pregnancy. If, nausea and vomiting still occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, you should consult and consultation on this matter to your doctor, because it will interfere with pregnancy.
4. Frequent urination
If you can not sleep due to frequent trips to the bathroom to urinate, maybe this is a sign you are pregnant. During pregnancy, your body produces extra fluids to your baby. Although urination is frequent, not to restrict or restrain him. Also avoid further dehydration by increasing fluid intake into the body.
5. Headache
It sounds strange, because headaches are often experienced by those who are not pregnant. But the result of many changes in hormones in the body, so that coupled with hormonal changes that exist in the head. If you are pregnant and have proved a headache, use the pg-safe acetaminophen compared with ibuprofen.
6. Backache
Back pain is felt during pregnancy because of some ligaments in your back are gone. This will continue to feel pain when you gain weight and during pregnancy.
7. Cramps
Is this an STD or pregnant. It would cramps experienced by pregnant women because the uterus to be enlarged and stretched to prepare a place for your baby.
8. Cravings
Is no stranger to hear this word when someone is pregnant. Want it, want it and then suddenly you want to eat fruits that are sour taste, whereas previously hated to fruit that tastes sour. If you become observers of the food problem, maybe this is a sign of being pregnant.
9. Constipation
Constipation is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone besides relaxing the muscles of the uterus, also resulted in the loosening of the muscular wall of the intestine causing constipation or difficult bowel movements. But the advantage of this situation is to allow better absorption of nutrients during pregnancy.
10. Moody
Often angry at her husband, rapid changes in behavior. This is due to the emergence of many new hormones in your body. Reassure your husband that this only occurs during pregnancy.
11. Increased body temperature
If pregnancy or ovulation, then the mother's body temperature will rise. This condition will persist during pregnancy. This condition will not go down to the condition prior to ovulation.
12. Body Odor
Perhaps this sign is rarely encountered in pregnant women. But if it appeared the body odor, then an increase in hormone excess resulting in increased sweat gland.
13. Dizziness or fainting
Maybe you watch a lot of scenes pregnant woman who fainted. But in fact this can happen because the levels of sugar in the body are low. Therefore, make sure you have enough to eat and of course drink plenty of fluids to avoid shortages.
14. The emergence of spotting
Blood spots appear before the menstrual period to come, it usually occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation. Blood spots are caused by the implantation or attachment of the embryo.
15. Positive results on pregnancy tests
You will not know for sure whether you become a mother until you do a pregnancy test. If you get a negative result and still not get your period, maybe it's just that you are too early to do a pregnancy test. Wait a few days and try again And if that's a positive â € "congratulations you will become a mother!
sumber: http://jekethek.blogspot.com/2010/07/inilah-15-ciri-atau-tanda-orang-hamil.html
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