Sukses bermula dari mental. Anda bisa saja miskin namun jika Anda yakin bahwa Anda bisa sukses, maka itulah yang akan Anda raih. Demikian juga sebaliknya, jika seseorang terlahir kaya, namun tidak memiliki mental sukses, maka kelak ia pun bisa jatuh melarat.
Tak peduli apa pun yang menjadi profesi kerja Anda sekarang, apakah karyawan rendahan atau bos sekalipun, Anda bisa meraih sukses dengan mengembangkan 50 kebiasaan sukses ini. Namun, ingat juga bahwa ukuran kesuksesan bukanlah uang, melainkan mental puas itu sendiri.
50 Kebiasaan Orang Sukses " 50 Habits of Successful People "
Ingat, sukses bukanlah milik orang yang tidak pernah gagal, melainkan milik orang yang tidak pernah menyerah
In English
1. Look for and find opportunities where others while others fail to find it.
2. Successful people see the problems as study materials instead of the sheer difficulty.
3. Focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
4. Creating your own path to success with existing ideas and innovations.
5. Successful people can feel fear, but they then controlled and overcome.
6. They ask the right questions, so that confirms the quality of mind and emotional positive.
7. They rarely complain.
8. They do not blame others, but taking responsibility for their actions.
9. They always find ways to develop their potential and use it effectively.
10. They are busy, productive, and proactive, rather than go alone.
11. They are willing to adapt to nature and other people's thinking.
12. They have the ambition or the spirit.
13. Know exactly what you want.
14. They are innovative and not plagiarism.
15. They do not put off what is there.
16. They have a principle that life is a never-ending learning process.
17. They do not consider myself perfect so willing to learn from others.
18. They do what they should be, not what they want to do.
19. They want to take risks, but not reckless.
20. They confront and resolve the problem immediately.
21. They did not wait for luck, or chance. They have invented.
22. They act even before it was told / asked.
23. They are able to control their emotions and be professional.
24. They are skilled communicators.
25. They have a plan and try to make it a reality.
26. They became great because they vote for it.
27. They succeeded through hard times that usually make others give up.
28. They know what matters to them and do the best they can.
29. They have balance. They know that money is only a tool, not everything.
30. They understand well the importance of discipline and restraint.
31. They feel safe because they know they are valuable.
32. They are also generous and kind.
33. They are willing to admit mistakes and do not hesitate to apologize.
34. They are willing to adapt to change.
35. They keep the body health and performance.
36. They are diligent.
37. Ductile
38. They are open and receptive to input from others.
39. They remain happy in the face of the ups and downs of life.
40. They do not get along with people who are wrong / damaging.
41. 4Mereka not waste time and emotional energy to something beyond their control.
42. They are comfortable working in a place that exists.
43. They set high standards for themselves.
44. They do not question why they failed, but take a lesson from it all.
45. They know how to relax, enjoy what there is, and be able to revel in recklessness though.
46. Their career is not who they are, it's just a job.
47. They are more interested in what is effective rather than on what is easy.
48. They finish what they started.
49. They realize that they are not just a mere living creatures, but also a spiritual being.
50. They do on what they say.
2. Successful people see the problems as study materials instead of the sheer difficulty.
3. Focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
4. Creating your own path to success with existing ideas and innovations.
5. Successful people can feel fear, but they then controlled and overcome.
6. They ask the right questions, so that confirms the quality of mind and emotional positive.
7. They rarely complain.
8. They do not blame others, but taking responsibility for their actions.
9. They always find ways to develop their potential and use it effectively.
10. They are busy, productive, and proactive, rather than go alone.
11. They are willing to adapt to nature and other people's thinking.
12. They have the ambition or the spirit.
13. Know exactly what you want.
14. They are innovative and not plagiarism.
15. They do not put off what is there.
16. They have a principle that life is a never-ending learning process.
17. They do not consider myself perfect so willing to learn from others.
18. They do what they should be, not what they want to do.
19. They want to take risks, but not reckless.
20. They confront and resolve the problem immediately.
21. They did not wait for luck, or chance. They have invented.
22. They act even before it was told / asked.
23. They are able to control their emotions and be professional.
24. They are skilled communicators.
25. They have a plan and try to make it a reality.
26. They became great because they vote for it.
27. They succeeded through hard times that usually make others give up.
28. They know what matters to them and do the best they can.
29. They have balance. They know that money is only a tool, not everything.
30. They understand well the importance of discipline and restraint.
31. They feel safe because they know they are valuable.
32. They are also generous and kind.
33. They are willing to admit mistakes and do not hesitate to apologize.
34. They are willing to adapt to change.
35. They keep the body health and performance.
36. They are diligent.
37. Ductile
38. They are open and receptive to input from others.
39. They remain happy in the face of the ups and downs of life.
40. They do not get along with people who are wrong / damaging.
41. 4Mereka not waste time and emotional energy to something beyond their control.
42. They are comfortable working in a place that exists.
43. They set high standards for themselves.
44. They do not question why they failed, but take a lesson from it all.
45. They know how to relax, enjoy what there is, and be able to revel in recklessness though.
46. Their career is not who they are, it's just a job.
47. They are more interested in what is effective rather than on what is easy.
48. They finish what they started.
49. They realize that they are not just a mere living creatures, but also a spiritual being.
50. They do on what they say.
sumber :www.juandry.blogspot.com/2009/12/50-kebiasaan-orang-sukses.html
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