Namun banyak pula yang menolak bertayamum dengan kursi pesawat, karena pesawat tertutup bahkan sering berada di luar angkasa. Lagi pula kursi pesawat selalu dibersihkan rutin, sehingga tidak mungkin ada debu.
Nah, di tengah perdebatan itu Kiai Mahfud Masduki nyeletuk, “Kalau masih ragu tayamum dengan kursi pesawat, yang pasti ada debunyaya baju pramugari itu. Karena dia pasti naik turun pesawat,” katanya. Para kiai lainnya tertawa, mungkin sambil membayangkan pramugari.
In English
The scholars may argue about whether or not tayamum with chairs on the plane, especially for Indonesian pilgrims who were on the plane for some time. Some states may be because the air is always there to dust. There are also cites the opinion of the priest madhhab that any items can be burned must contain elements of dust.
Yet many who refuse bertayamum with seat plane, because planes are often closed even in outer space. After all aircraft seats are always cleaned regularly, so that there can be no dust.
Well, in the middle of the debate, Kiai Masduki Mahfud nyletuk, "If still in doubt tayamum with aircraft seats, which would have debunyaya clothes that stewardess. Because she must have climbed down the plane, "he said. The other scholars laugh, perhaps while imagining a stewardess.
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