Setelah acara, Gus Dur berkumpul dengan teman-temannya. Amplop yang diterimanya tidak diambil semua untuk pribadinya. Beberapa amplop yang diterima dibagikan kepada tema-temannya yang adalah para kader dan pengawal yang setia mendampingi Gus Dur kemana-mana. Nah, karena Gus Dur baik hati, amplop yang berisi tebal justru dikasihkan kepada teman-temannya itu.
Teman-temannya berterima kasih kepada Gus Dur, seraya langsung menerima amplop dengan penuh semangat dan berbisik, "Wah Gus Dur ini baik sekali. Amplop yang tebal malah diberikan kepada kita.Alhamdulillah."
Nah sekarang tibalah saatnya membuka amplop. Hah... Ternyata, amplop yang tebal berisi berlembar-lembar uang ribuan saja dan paling gede hanya pecahan lima ribuan. Sementara amplop Gus Dur yang tipis berisi beberapa lembar saja, tapi bergambar Sueharto tersenyum, alias uang limapuluh ribuan. Jadi tetap saja bagian Gus Dur lebih besar dibanding yang lain.
Semua menggerutu, "Ah mestinya pilih amplop yang tipis saja." Gus Dur hanya tersenyum. "Tapi dari mana Gus Dur tahu isi amplop ya?"
In English
After delivering a lecture at an event study, Gus Dur was approached by many people who wanted to shake hands with him. As scholars in general, people give envelopes containing money to Gus Dur, or we are familiar with the shake Templek, when shaking hands. This is as a form of homage. The contents of the envelope can vary according to levels of economic ability of the pengamplop.
After the show, Gus Dur was hanging out with friends. Envelopes received not taken all to personal. Some of the envelopes received is distributed to the theme of his companions who were the cadres and bodyguards who accompanied Gus Dur faithful everywhere. Well, because Gus Dur kind, an envelope containing a thick precisely dikasihkan to his friends that.
His friends were grateful to Gus Dur, as he immediately received an envelope with passion and whispered, "Boy Gus Dur is excellent. Envelopes with thick instead given to kita.Alhamdulillah."
Well now it's time to open the envelope. Hah ... Apparently, a thick envelope containing pages and pages of thousands of money only and most big fraction only five thousand. While Gus Dur is a thin envelope containing a few pieces only, but illustrated Sueharto smile, aka money fifty thousand. Thus it remains only part of Gus Dur is greater than another.
All grumbled, "Ah .. it should select only a thin envelope." Gus Dur just smiled. "But where Gus Dur ya know the contents of the envelope?"
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