Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Jin dan perokok berat " Jin and heavy smokers "

Suatu ketika ada tiga orang masing-masing pemabuk, penggila wanita dan satunya lagi perokok berat

menemukan kendi ajaib.Saat menggosok-gosok nya ternyata ada jin bebas keluar dari kendi tersebut. Karena telah berjasa terhadap jin itu, ketiga orang ditawari imbalan oleh jin sesuai dengan permintaanya.

Si pemabuk minta arak dengan segala jenis. Si penggila wanita pun demikian mendapat kiriman wanita-wanita cantik dibawa ke kamar si penggila wanita tadi.

Sang perokok berat pun meminta hal sama. Ia meminta rokok berbagai merk untuk dirasakan sepuasnya. Setelah diberikan hadiah tadi, Mereka menikmati pemberiannya di kamar masing-masing.

Esok harinya, jin tadi mengecek kepada masing-masing kamar ketiga orang tersebut.

Kamar pemabuk, orangnya lunglai terkapar mati kebanyakan minum arak, begitu pula si penggila wanita mati kehabisan tenaga bersama wanita-wanita tadi.

Namun, ketika membuka kamar sang perokok berat, jin kaget karena orang tadi masih segar bugar.

Si perokok berat dengan gagahnya keluar kamar sambil memukuli jin tadi.

” kamu itu gimana to jin, ngasih kesenangan rokok, tapi aku gak bisa menikmati pemberianmua,”kata orang tadi. “Kok bisa…”tanya Jin.

“Lha kamu tuh aneh, mosok ngasih rokok gak ada koreknya. Kapan menikmatinya.”gerutu perokok sambil memukul wajah sang Jin.

OOOOOOalaah. Ternyata sang perokok dituruti kemauannya tanpa diberi korek api. Tentu saja perokok berat tidak bisa menikmati pemberian jin..

In ENglish
Once upon a time there were three people each drinker, enthusiast and the other female heavy smokers

find a pitcher ajaib.Saat rubbed her there was free genie is out of the pitcher. Because it has contributed to the genie, all three men offered rewards by the genie in accordance with permintaanya.

The drunk asked for wine with all kinds. The enthusiast woman so get shipments beautiful women brought to the woman's room enthusiast.

The heavy smokers were asked the same thing. He requested a cigarette various brands to be felt as much. Having been given gifts, they enjoy the gift in their rooms.

The next day, the genie had to check to each of the three person rooms.

Room drunkard, the man lying dead limp to drinking wine, as well as the enthusiast woman died of exhaustion with the women earlier.

However, when opening the heavy smoker's room, the genie was surprised that people were still safe and sound.

The heavy smokers with gagahnya genie out of the room as he beat earlier.

"you is how to jinn, cigarettes give pleasure, but I can not enjoy pemberianmua," said the man earlier. "How come ..." said Jin.

"You were curious, why not give cigarettes with matches. When did enjoy it. "smokers grumbled, slapping his face Jin.

OOOOOOalaah. It turned out that the smokers obeyed his will without being a match. Of course, heavy smokers can not enjoy the granting genie ..

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